Northcentral University
Cost/Benefits of Friendships Can men and women be just friends? There is a song called “Why can’t We Be Friends? Or have you ever watched the movie when Harry Met Sally and they both are sitting in the diner late at night and the famous scene when Sally asks Harry that men and women can just be friends without having sex with each other. (Reiner, 1989)It is possible? I think and it can be done, but the biggest difference is that men always think about sex and women may think about sex, but a friendship is more important in both sexes than the sex itself.
Much of human social interaction occurs within the context of enduring relationships, such as kinships and friendships. Friendships prevent good and bad differences.
In principle, friendships can provide a bounty of benefits that historically may have been linked directly or indirectly with reproduce one of the complexities of friendship is that some characteristics of friendship are perceived as both beneficial and costly game. A friendship protects each other and I see this based on the survey from this paper. First, I think we must define what a benefit is and secondly, what is the definition of costly? The benefits are what are good for the both people and person involved.
TED Talks: Helen Fisher: “The Brain in Love”- I found this video very interesting and yet very sad, because Helen Fisher would not want to test my brain with the MRI scan. I thought it was noted that she took an older couple who was married for at least 25 years and it was noted the brain was active with the receptors of still being in love. And, she used different conductors, couple who just broke up, couples who were married fir along time. Helen Fisher used animals to test het theories not on sexual tendencies, but rather on romantic interests.
My favorite line which I liked the best, which is, “I would like to tell the medical, legal and the
References: (2008, 05). Can Men and Women Just Be Friends?. Retrieved 05, 2008, from Afifi, W BLESKE, A. L. and BUSS, D. M. (2000), Can men and women be just friends?. Personal Relationships, 7: 131–151. Campbell, W De Dier, S. (2013). Friends with Benefits?!. European Company & Financial Law Review, 10(3), 461-505 Fiske, S Mongeau, P., Knight, K., Williams, J., Eden, J., & Shaw, C. (2013). Identifying and explicating variation among friends with benefits relationships. Journal Of Sex Research, 50(1), 37-47 Reiner, R Joy Van Eck, P., Katherine, K., & Jason, F. (n.d). A Facebook ‘friend’ request from the boss: Too close for comfort?. Business Horizons, 56291-300. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2013.01.013