College isn’t for everybody. For those who have already completed and graduated from high school, one of the major decisions that they will have to make in life is to whether continue on and pursue a higher education, which means going to a college or university, or to just go straight into the working force and start working. After high school, there are actually numerous of things a person can do. Different people will have different choices of their own. Some people know from an early age exactly what college they want to go to, what they want to become and how they plan to get there. In the other hand, some people just simply feel that college isn’t for them because of financial problems, so they decide to …show more content…
Within the past decade, college and higher education has gotten quite a bit of talk because the cost of college education has hit an all time high with no indications of slowing down. Almost everyone agrees that the cost of college education is on a steady price rise. With the cost of living also increasing, it is becoming more and more difficult for students to pay for their college education tuition in order to earn any types of degree. As the result, a lot of high school graduates decide to go straight into the workforce. They are willing to settle for minimum wage jobs in order to avoid the thousands of dollars of student loan debt they might accumulate later on in their college career. According to a statement released by the White House in 2011, more than 36 million Americans have accumulated federal student loan debt. That is roughly eleven percent of the total population of the United States in the year 2011. College costs have been rising much faster than family income for more than two decades. Rising tuition and fear of debt is robbing the students their best chance to climb up the economic