Cost Estimation and Budgeting
1) Direct costs are those clearly assigned to the aspect of the project that generated the cost.
2) Material is an example of a cost that is recurring, variable and direct.
Multiple Choice
1) Which of the following is a direct cost?
A) labor
B) rent
C) depreciation on equipment
D) health benefits
2) Workers paid $15.00 per hour with an overhead charge of 1.45 and a personal time allowance of 1.15, have what total direct labor cost for an 8-hour work day?
A) $151.30
B) $174.00
C) $200.10
D) $236.80
Chapter 9 Project Scheduling: Networks, Duration Estimation, and Critical Path
1) Preceding activities are those that must occur before others can be done.
A backward pass is performed when it is necessary to undo some work that has been performed in order to complete it properly.
Multiple Choice
1) The least amount of float is found:
A) in a resource-limited schedule.
B) after a burst activity.
C) on the critical path.
D) after a merge activity.
2) An activity has an optimistic time estimate of 15 days, a most likely estimate of 24 days, and a pessimistic estimate of 40 days. What is the expected duration of the activity?
A) less than 27 days but greater than or equal to 26 days
B) less than 26 days but greater than or equal to 25 days
C) less than 25 days but greater than or equal to 24 days
D) less than 24 days
Chapter 10
Project Scheduling: Lagging, Crashing, and Activity Networks
1) Finish to start lags are the same as additional activity slack.
2) The critical path may not contain a dummy activity.
Multiple Choice
1) The most common type of logical sequencing between tasks is referred to as the:
A) finish to start relationship
B) finish to finish relationship.
C) start to start relationship.
D) start to finish relationship.
2) An activity performed by a subcontractor is scheduled for 20 weeks at an anticipated cost of $100,000. Due to