The three legs of the medical stool are costs, access and quality. There are many factors when some hospitals or health care in general would trade-off in these areas depending on the status of the patient, insurance and the situation. I feel that the one that is neglected the most is costs, this is why the GDP in healthcare is higher than any other contributor in the world. I believe that if the cost of insurance, procedures and medications were at a better rate or more affordable that a lot of people including the world wouldn’t have a high debt amount from hospital or healthcare bills. The downfall to that is the doctors want to get paid, so depending on what is done this can either effect the patient or the doctor. If the doctor gets impacted moneywise then this can typically lead to the lack of care for their patients. This isn’t always the case but at the end of the day there is no such thing as a free lunch.…
Both the novel and the film adaptation of Ernest J. Gaines , A Lesson Before Dying illustrates the theme of coming of age ; however in the novel this theme is better discussed. Through the use of lighting , soundtrack ,and camera angles the director is able to portray the theme of coming of age. While , in the novel Ernest J. Gaines uses dialogue and characterization to express this theme. As some scene’s are better developed than others the watcher and reader are able to receive specific feedback and the portraying of different emotions.…
World War II was perhaps one of the worst crises in history of humanity. This global warfare consisted of series of catastrophic events such as the Holocaust and nuclear warfare, and it is certainly true that Germany played a major role causing this war. However, the cause of war was not solely dependent on Germany, but it was rather the rise of dictatorial regimes in multiple countries. Nonetheless, “Education about Death”, a film produced by an American filmmaker, Walt Disney, depicts Germany as the antagonist or the bad. Furthermore, the video criticizes and humiliates Germany using variety of literary devices. Thus, the film: “Education about Death” is biased.…
1.1 Caring for patients at the end of life is a challenging task that requires not only the consideration of the patient as a whole but also an understanding of the family, social, legal, economic, and institutional circumstances that surround patient care.…
Pace, Brian, MA. (November 15, 2000). JAMA patient page:Decisions about end-of-life care. The Journal of the American Medical Association. Vol 284, No. 19. Retrieved from…
Should terminally ill patients be allowed to die with dignity? As a medical assistant you take care of every kind of patient. The young, middle aged, the elderly, the hurt, the sick, and the ones who can’t take care of themselves. During our clinical one of the rotations was an assisted living home. It wasn’t like most “nursing homes”. You didn’t walk in and immediately sense a dark or bad vibe. I had a sense of being needed by the residents. They needed me to take care of them because their families didn’t have the time or space to care for them like they wished.…
The cost for a patient receiving care has been on a steady incline, nearing “$2.6 trillion in 2010, over ten times the $256 billion spent in 1980,” (Kaiser Foundation, 2013, para. 1). Contributing…
It is nearly impossible for the patient to rely on another person to make the best decision that they would have made for themselves, particularly when it involves personal interests such as profiting from a will. If there is something to gain, the family members’ motives seem questionable. If the patient falls ill, then there lies a possibility that their heirs will hope for the patient’s death so that they could receive their inheritance. The inability to confirm whether the family actually has the patient’s best interest in mind supports the argument that any form of euthanasia is unethical. Moreover, some families may not have the opportunity to drop everything in order to take on the responsibility of their sick loved one. This causes added stress to the family and can lead to the desire to resolve the issue by forcing the idea of euthanasia on to the loved one. Also, health care costs for terminally ill patients, including nursing homes, prescription drugs, and home health care deserves consideration. According to, one in every four Medicare dollars spent goes to the five percent of beneficiaries in the last year of their life. The result of this is often overwhelming debt for the families of terminally ill patients, with the care of a single patient costing approximately $39,000 exceeding the financial assets for many households. When the patient is uninsured or denied coverage from an insurance company, the family inherits the costs. In cases like these, legalizing euthanasia would present it as a viable solution, and in their distress, the family members may selfishly consider it to alleviate the financial burden the patient may…
The relationship between income and dying in the hospital is a really common thing around the globe. Poor hospital conditions are seen throughout the world and people, but especially children, have been suffering a lot. In my opinion more money should be invested in children’s hospital as they are the future of our world. Mainly in developing countries, children’s hospitals are horrible.…
As well as health care costs can be extremely expensive. Messerli says “It is not unheard of for medical costs to equal $50,000 to $100,000 to keep some patients alive” (2). Most people would like to leave some…
Death is an event, dying is a process. Modern medicine today works very hard to help people live longer and avoid that dreaded day when death comes. The healthcare system is prolonging life, but is it always the answer, forcing someone to continue a suffering life. Doctors sometimes unintentionally instill false hope in patients by offering treatment that most likely will not work or benefit the patient. Prolonging life has ethical and moral issues. Death is also a very taboo topic in our culture and should not be discussed or accepted. The doctors and pharmaceutical companies that are prolonging life do not fully understand the damage they are causing to society surrounding death.…
We have a moral obligation to relieve the suffering of our fellow human beings and to respect their right to die with dignity. Throughout most of our country today, terminally ill patients lie with incurable diseases and without the means to end their own suffering because the government tells them they can’t. These patients can only look forward to lives filled with yet more suffering and degradation. When such people beg…
A CNN article from November of 2014 Diane Coleman tells the story of Brittany Maynard. Brittany was a 29-year-old woman with a brain tumor. Diane Coleman is president and CEO of Not Dead Yet, a national grassroots disability rights group. (Coleman) In his article for CNN he expresses that terminally Ill people are vulnerable and should be kept alive, even if it is against their will. The primary structure for his argument is that “the idea of mixing a cost-cutting "treatment" such as assisted suicide into a broken, cost-conscious health care system that's poorly designed to meet dying patient's needs is dangerous to the thousands of people whose health care costs the most -- mainly people living with a disability, the elderly and chronically ill” (Coleman). In fairness, he has a point, but he is looking at the situation as though hospitals are not trying to make a profit. The mix up in his argument is simply that because PAS is cheaper more patients will be pushed to take it. The counter argument is that although PAS will be an option, there is no real need for the medical system to push it. According to the Seattle times on march 4th 2009 “about a third are opting out of providing assisted suicide, about a third have yet to decide and only about a third are allowing it.…
Death is a touchy subject. People pretend it is something that does not happen and refuse to talk about or address it. I am an ICU nurse. I have been for six years. I have dealt with plenty of death, in my own way. Death is a part of life. Whether it is something that is expected or not, it is our destiny. Having dealt with the suicide of my son’s father at a young age, death is something most of us avoid or do not expect. One is never prepared for it. Some refuse to accept it and move forward.Whether it is a loved one battling cancer for multiple years or a sudden suicide/death, it is never acceptable. Working in the ICU, I have seen many a prolonged death. Family members are never prepared for the death of a loved one. Whether or not my patient is ready to move on, family will do everything possible to prolong the death in hopes that the patient’s condition will improve or a “new” cure will save their lives. I have gone through spending an hour resuscitating a 20 year old with severe congestive heart failure to taking my time resuscitating a 98 year old riddled with cancer. Regardless of my beliefs, it is never easy for family members to accept their loved ones are no longer among us. I have mixed views about death regarding a person battling cancer. Many a times I have had a patient who is a “full code,” all life saving efforts to be attempted, that has metastasis of cancer to their liver, brain, and bones requesting all life saving efforts. In the medical community, we know life saving efforts are futile. The patient is in so much pain they can hardly stand it. They have no quality of life. Family members are hopeful that some medication will take effect and the cancer will disappear. But, by law, we are to make every effort possible at resuscitation. If a person has a good prognosis in surviving cancer, every effort should be made to prolong the person’s life. If the cancer has metastized and is now affecting other organs, brain, bone…
End of life care is one of the most taboo topics in American society as it requires those involved to acknowledge that their lives will eventually come to an end. Planning for such an outcome can be difficult but ultimately it is necessary in order to save others from dealing with the burden of end of life care while unprepared. As a nurse it is especially important to have a firm grasp of the many different factors that weigh in decisions related to end of life care and be ready to assist both the patient and his or her family in any way needed when that time may come. A careful examination of the resources available in a community to assist with this care, the gaps in care prevalent in American society today, the cultural…