The American Revolutionary war is a war that changed the American history because America was able to gain freedom from England. When looking at this war after many years and analyzing all the conflicts that lead to it, it can be concluded that the war could have been avoided. There are several reasons that ignited the war such as the refusal of the Olive Branch Petition by King George III, the Pamphlet, Common Sense, published by Thomas Paine that stirred up the colonists, and the several acts passed against the colonists by the British Parliament, and the Albany Plan of Union, that had a great potential in preventing the war. If the British parliament responded to the concerns, grievances and proposals of the colonists, things would have turned out differently.
The First Continental Congress met in Carpenter’s hall in Philadelphia and every colony sent delegates except for Georgia. Although the delegates’ objective of this meeting was to inform the grievances of the colonies to the King and parliament, they had different solutions to their problems. Some wanted to separate, while others wanted resolution with England. The meeting came to an end after the Declaration and Resolves set a common ground for all the colonies and agreed to meet again after one year if the British do not respond to the grievances of the colonies. If England had listened to the concerns of the colonies and addressed them, the Second Continental Congress would not have met and the number of delegates and people that seek to separate from their mother country would have decreased and the war could have been prevented. When the Second Continental Congress met, the delegates sent the Olive Branch Petition to George III requesting a compromise and declared their loyalty to the crown even though the King did not agree. The Olive Branch Petition could also have prevented the war if the King acknowledged and compromised with the colonies