COUN 5264
Current Issues in Compulsive and Addictive Behavior Treatment xxxxxx xxxxxx
Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Levi
Levi is a 35-year-old man who is HIV positive. He works as an auto mechanic. Levi learned he was HIV positive 10 years ago and has since been on medications that have successfully stopped the progression to AIDS. He has been able to maintain being fairly health physically although the disease has began to have a more serious toll on his emotional well being. Levi has begun to withdraw from much of any social interactions, he has also avoided telling his family about his illness and avoids interactions with most of his friends. He has been able to obtain a variety of medications for anxiety, and often takes more than the prescribed dosage. In addition, he has had a cocaine habit that he views as his one area of excitement in life. His pattern of use is on weekends, or sometimes as a pick-me-up to get to work. He tends to use the anti-anxiety medications in the evening to help him relax and sleep. He sees his life slipping away in what has come to feel like an increasingly empty lifestyle.
In his initial interview Levi reports that he has been feeling more down lately. He claims that he enjoys work because he can escape into what he is working on and references himself as if he were a robot even during this time. He struggles with being alone and feels like the world crashes down on him when he leaves work. He claims that all though he made a vow to be celibate after his diagnosis that he still has the desire to feel love. He has tried multiple hobbies to occupy his mind but feels as if they are just ways of passing time as his life goes by. He expresses a desire to somehow have a normal pre diagnosis life and that dreams of such keep him awake at night. He also admits that he has not been honest with his therapist over the last 10 years. He has been using tranquilizers to get