The Crusaders would not only help save their fellow Christians in the Holy Land, but would also reap many benefits. The rewards promised to them for traveling to Jerusalem were grand. People who committed murderous crimes were granted remission of sins by the Pope himself, and therefore would be a guaranteed pathway into Heaven.
"Nay, more, the sorrowful here will be glad there, the poor here will be rich there, and the enemies of the Lord here will be His friends there."
The idea of finding riches in this new land appealed to the poor and also to the greedy rich. Finding happiness also appealed to the rich and poor considering the condition of poverty and brutality that was present in their home towns. "O how many evils will be imputed to you by the Lord Himself, if you do not help those who, like you, profess Christianity!"
And those who did not embark on the conquest were threatened by many sins by the Lord