111). Some of these guidelines include informed consent/assent, confidentiality, and duty to warn/protect (Henderson & Thompson, 2016, pp. 118-127). Counselors are to gain their client’s consent, keep information a client shares confidential, unless it will bring harm to the person or someone else, and warn others of impending danger. Failure to do so will result in legal issues, such as not reporting child abuse. Counselors who fail to report could lose their license to practice, or even prosecuted. They could also lose everything if a lawsuit is filed against
111). Some of these guidelines include informed consent/assent, confidentiality, and duty to warn/protect (Henderson & Thompson, 2016, pp. 118-127). Counselors are to gain their client’s consent, keep information a client shares confidential, unless it will bring harm to the person or someone else, and warn others of impending danger. Failure to do so will result in legal issues, such as not reporting child abuse. Counselors who fail to report could lose their license to practice, or even prosecuted. They could also lose everything if a lawsuit is filed against