Mindset When dealing with clients who face a crisis in sexual identity, the counsellor must maintain an open mindset and not form prejudices that might hinder the counsellor-client relationship. Mindset is a fixed disposition that predetermines an individual’s response to a situation. As a counsellor, one must be receptive to all views regardless of societal influences, especially on a contentious issue such as homosexuality. It is evident that both SAC and ACA code of ethics recognized diversity as their key point, hence, the counsellor are likely to prioritise the clients' views and emotional needs and not form pre-conceived notions of alternative lifestyles. Counsellors must realise the importance and thus maintain ethical professionalism, personal, and social relationships with their client (See F.3.a. Relationship Boundaries With Supervisees Counseling supervisors). On a similar note, SAC repeatedly emphasized on the competence and professionalism of every counsellor, that one should always respect the rights
Mindset When dealing with clients who face a crisis in sexual identity, the counsellor must maintain an open mindset and not form prejudices that might hinder the counsellor-client relationship. Mindset is a fixed disposition that predetermines an individual’s response to a situation. As a counsellor, one must be receptive to all views regardless of societal influences, especially on a contentious issue such as homosexuality. It is evident that both SAC and ACA code of ethics recognized diversity as their key point, hence, the counsellor are likely to prioritise the clients' views and emotional needs and not form pre-conceived notions of alternative lifestyles. Counsellors must realise the importance and thus maintain ethical professionalism, personal, and social relationships with their client (See F.3.a. Relationship Boundaries With Supervisees Counseling supervisors). On a similar note, SAC repeatedly emphasized on the competence and professionalism of every counsellor, that one should always respect the rights