School of Counselling Studies
Please fill in all details and attach to every assignment you complete.
Student’s Name: Dorcas Adoyo Mwinda Date of Submission: 30th October 2009
Assignment: (please tick appropriate box) 1 2
Module 1‘Exploration in Counselling’
Module 2: ‘Understanding in Counselling’
Module 3: ‘Integration in Counselling’
Module 4: Practicum Video Evaluation
Module 5 ‘Research Methods’
Module 6 ‘Dissertation’
Title of Assignment: The Appropriateness of Person centered Approach in Sub-Saharan Africa
Comments: (please tick appropriate box)
First Internal Examiner Second External Examiner Second Internal Examiner External Examiner
Recommended Result: Percentage: Level (MA/PG Dip)
Name of Examiner: Elias Gikundi
Signed: Date:
TITLE Page No.
Introduction 2
What is person centred Approach 3
View of Human nature 3
Congruence 5
Unconditional Positive Regard 6
Empathic Understanding 6
Concepts exposed in person- centred Approach 7
Values exposed in person centred approach 9 Effectiveness of Person Centred Approach in Sub-Saharan Africa 11
Conclusion 13
References 14
Counselling has been perceived as an advice in many sub- Saharan African countries and also the fact that there are many counselling approaches which are used; it has even become more confusing for people to understand.
But due to different experiences we face in African countries like tribal clashes, culture differences, Poverty, political instability, racism, unemployment, HIV/AIDS and many others counselling was introduced from the western culture to provide healing to the affected and infected people, and thus person centred approach was adopted because it helps deal with individual feelings, which would help the
References: Bozarth, J. and Temaner Brodley B. (1986). The core conditions and Theory of the person centred. Chicago; Praegers. Corey, G. (2001). Theory and Practice of counselling and Psychotherapy ( 6th Edn). Australia; Brooks/ Cole. Covey, S.R. (1989). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. London: WsBook- well. D’ardenne,P.and Mahtani,A. (1989) Transcultural Counselling in Action (2nd edt) (ed) Windy,D, Counselling in Action.London:Sage. Kirschenbaum, H. and Henderson, V. L. (1989).the Carl Rogers’s reader. London; British Library Press. Len Holdstock, T. (2000). Re-examining psychology: Critical Perspective and African Insight. London; Routledge. Markus, H.R. and Kitayama, S. (1991). Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion and Motivation psychological view. Mearns, D. and Thorne, B. (1988). Person centred Counselling in Action (2nd Edn). London; Sage Mearns, D Rogers, C. R. (1951). Client –centred Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications and Theory. Boston; Houghton Mifflin. Rogers, C. R. (1967). The condition of change from a client view point. Cited in Buenson and R. Carkhuff (Ed) Sources of gain in counselling and psychotherapy. Newyork; Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Rogers,C.R. (1959). A theory of Therapy, Personality and Interpersonal Relationship as Developed in the client Centred Framework. In S. Koch (Ed) Psychology: A study of science. Newyork; McGraw-Hill Rogers Rowan, J. (1983). The Reality Game: A Gide to Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy (2nd Edn). London; Routledge and Kegan Paul plc. Thorne, B. (1991). Person- Centred Counselling: therapeutic and Spiritual dimensions. London; Whurr. Thorne, B. (2000). Carl Rogers. London; Sage. Thorne, B. and Lambers, E. (1998). Person centred therapy. London; Sage Van Kalmthout, M Rogers, C.R. (1990a). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. In H. Kirschenbaum and V. L. Henderson (eds). The Carl Rogers Readers. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press. Purton, C. (1994). The deep structure of the Core conditions: A Buddhist Perspective. Austria; Gmunden. Green, C. D. (2002). Signifant Aspects of Client- Centred Therapy. http// (accessed 18/02/02). Villas-Rose Bowen, M. (1984). Spirituality and Person Centerd Approach: Interconnectedness in the Universe and Psychotherapy. Mexico; Universal liberoamerican. Vanaerschot, G. (1990). The Process of Empathy: Holding and letting go. In Lietaer, G Rombauts, J. And Van Balen, R. (Eds)Clients- Centerd and Experiental Pstchotherapy in the nineties. Belgium; Leuven University Press. Owusu- Bempah, K and Howitt, D. (2000). Psychology beyond Western Perspectives. Leicester; BPS books ( The British Psychological Society). Shorter, A. (1998). African Culture: An overview. Nairobi; Paulines Publications Africa.