Prepared By:
ID# 1010110 030
Section# 01
Prepared By:
ID# 1010110 030
Section# 01
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my honorable faculty Mr. Abdur Rob Khan for assigning us with a project as this country risk analysis. The process of compiling all the data and analyzing each attribute using international standard data taught us a great deal about how each individual country’s risks are analyzed in real world terms. Also, I would like to thank him for his constant guidance and support throughout the whole process of finishing this extensive research analysis.
Thanking you,
(Rubaiya Zuber)
The entire report was based on secondary data compiled from information sources and pre-done researches such as The World Bank’s Data and Transparency International’s compiled research findings. The data collected from these sources were then used under the ICRG Rating system methodology to assess the risk of the country Chile.
The core limitation of this paper was its entire reliance on secondary available data. It became so that a few of the relevant data weren’t available or up-to-date per requirement so assumptions and approximate values had to be used quite often which undermine the strength of the ratings.
Table of Contents
Country Overview
Government System
Demographic profile
Economic Data
The Political Risk Components:
Government Stability
Socioeconomic Conditions
Investment Profile
Internal Conflict
External Conflict
Military in Politics
Religious Tensions
Law and Order
Ethnic Tensions
Democratic Accountability
Bureaucracy Quality
Rating of Poitical Risk Components
The Economic Risk Rating
GDP per Head
Real GDP Growth
Annual Inflation Rate
Budget Balance as a Percentage of GDP