A development study
Revision Booklet
Success in this exam requires:
A general understanding of how medicine developed over time. You need to have an overview of how medicine changed in your mind. Was there PROGRESS / CONTINUITY / REGRESSION from one period of time to the next.
Knowledge about different areas of medicine:
Understanding CAUSE of disease
Developing TREATMENTS / preventions / cures
Understanding ANATOMY
TRAINING of doctors / nurses
Improvements in PUBLIC HEALTH
Knowledge about what developments occurred in different periods of time
The ability to answer questions succinctly. This means you need to be focused on the question, write clearly and concisely. Everything must be relevant to the question. Do not waffle!!!
The use of specific and detailed knowledge. You need to include FACTS to back up your points. This means some serious revision of dates / people / developments is needed.
Tick / cross the revision techniques you will use:
Mind maps revision cards post-it notes lists
Story song/rap storyboard acronyms
Practice questions flip-its teach it podcasts
Other: ________________________________________________________________
Medicine – Key dates:
900AD – First university medical school in Europe set up
1348 – Black Death
1492 – Europeans landed in America (brought back new treatments – herbs / plants C15th)
1530s – Henry VIII closes monestaries
1543 – Vesalius publishes, ‘The Fabric of the Human Body’
1575 – Pare publishes ‘Works on Surgery’
1628 – Harvey publishes, ‘An anatomic account of the Motion of the Heart and the Blood in Animals’
1665 – The Great Plague
1798 – Edward Jenner presents his findings on the Smallpox vaccine to the Royal Society
1805 – Napoleon vaccinated all his soldiers
1816 – stethoscope invented