
Courage: to Kill a Mockingbird

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Courage: to Kill a Mockingbird
True Courage Courage can have different definitions depending on the type of person. It can be standing up for what you believe in, even if others don’t agree, it can be standing up to something no one else will, or carrying on with something that can hurt you. Courage can be shown by my mother, a friend from elementary school, and Atticus.
In the dictionary, courage has two different definitions, but for many people, courage stretches above and beyond just a definition. The first is the ability to do something that frightens one and the second one is strength in the face of pain or grief. These are both correct, but for people it can also be someone they admire. For me, this person would be my mother. Even when the going gets hard, she pushes through and doesn’t give up. She does the right thing, even if it hurts her. I remember her saying to me “Do the right thing, even if no one is watching. Do it even if it hurts you, even if others don’t agree.” When my mother stated this, I admired her because she seemed brave and strong willed. I remember when I was in 1st grade; I went to a new elementary school. Almost everyone that was in my class had been going to that school since pre-kindergarten and had broken off into little groups within the class. I didn’t talk much and nobody made an approach to talk to me first. It was like that for a couple of days but then somebody took the initiative and talked to me. She introduced me to other groups and slowly, I started making friends. She was brave because although everyone else made the decision to ignore me, she took a stand and started talking to me. This was courageous because she did what others did not want to do and went against the flow.
In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, there were many scenes of courage from all different characters, but one character that stood out for his act of courage was Atticus. Atticus was a character in the book and he played a father to the narrator, Scout, but more

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