1. Course Outline COURSE CODE: LANG1002 | COURSE NAME: Academic Reading, Writing and Research Skills | COURSE LEVEL: Undergraduate | YEAR: 2012-2013 | | | | SEMESTER: II | HOURS PER WEEK: 3 | TOTAL HOURS: 45 | CREDITS: 3 | START DATE: January, 2013 | END DATE: April, 2013 | PREREQUISITES: Successful completion LANG1001 (EDFN101B) – Written Communication | COURSE COORDINATOR:Ms. Gomatee Ramnarine | Phone: Office: 642-8888EXT: 29132Mobile: 765-6587 | Office Hours: | Email: Gomatee.ramnarine@utt.edu.tt | INSTRUCTORS: | Office Phone Extensions: | Other Phone: | Office Hours: | Email Addresses: | Charmaine Brunton-Andrews | 29160 | 765-5955 | | charmaine.brunton-andrews@utt.edu.tt | Barbara Constance | 29135 | 494-3400 | | barbara.constance@utt.edu.tt | Salima Geetan | 25079 | 356-1637 | | salima.geetan@utt.edu.tt | Nicole Henry | | 710-5484 | | nicole.henry@utt.edu.tt | Barbara Joseph | | 465-3372 | | Barbara.joseph@utt.edu.tt | Nicaise Joseph-McKenna | 26446 | 290-2419 | | nicaise.joseph@utt.edu.tt | Lenore Lortie | 29146 | 357-3354 | | lenore.lortie@utt.edu.tt | Kumar Mahabir | 28140 | 756-4961 | | kumar.mahabir@utt.edu.tt | Gomatee Ramnarine | 29132 | 765-6587 | | gomatee.ramnarine@utt.edu.tt | Kathleen Robinson | | 755-8008 | | kathleen.robinson@utt.edu.tt | Nicha Selvon-Ramkissoon | 28144 | 687-3154 | | nicha.s-ramkissoon@utt.edu.tt | Tricia Smith | 32163 | 744-2683 | | Trinicapricorn5@hotmail.com |
* Fields, Linda, Hazel Simmons-McDonald, and Peter Roberts. (1997). Writing in
English: A Course Book for Caribbean Students. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers Limited. * Hodge, Merle. (1997). The Knots in English: A Guide For Caribbean Users. Massachusetts: Calaloux Publications. * Hodges, J, and M. Whitten. (1998). Harbrace College Handbook. 13th ed. London: Harcourt Brace. * Kennedy, Mary Lynch, and Hadley M. Smith. (2006). Reading and Writing in the Academic Community. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. * Robertson, Hugh. (1999). The Research Essay: A Guide to Essays and Papers. 4th ed. Piperhill Publications.
INTERNET RESOURCES * Academic Phrasebook. Retrieved from http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk * Gillet, A. (2012). Using English for Academic Purposes: A Guide for Students in Higher Education from http://www.uefap.com * Managing Your References. Retrieved from http://www.le.ac.uk/li/research/citing.html * The Writing Lab. Owl at Purdue English Department. (n.d.) Retrieved 04 August, 2012 from Purdue University website at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/writinglab/policies
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of academic research and strategies for reading and evaluating written discourses. It also introduces students to the rhetorical modes of argumentation/persuasion and reflective writing. The core focus of this course is to sensitize students to academic reading and research conventions. It also exposes them to, and equips them with, the strategies for writing for different purposes.
The purpose of this course is to: * Enhance and develop skills in critical reading and evaluation of written discourse. * Enhance and develop research skills (including, but not limited to, strategies for writing research papers). * Enhance and develop skills in writing argumentative/persuasive and reflective pieces.
At the end of this course, students should be able to: * Understand and put into practice the fundamental principles of academic research. * Conceptualise research as a process (selecting a topic, gathering sources, evaluating sources, writing notes, writing an outline, drafting, revising, editing). * Apply appropriate language and style to research papers. * Draft, edit and revise argumentative/persuasive essays. * Critically evaluate written discourse (evaluating a variety of writing styles). * Apply the principles of reflective writing to academic papers.
Lectures and PowerPoint presentations
Interactive class and individual activities
Individual/independent reading
Collaborative activities
Online resources
The course is divided into four general areas of focus. They are:
This unit introduces learners to research as an academic process and will guide them through choosing a topic, gathering and evaluating sources of information, writing notes, summarising and synthesising information, using direct and indirect quotes, using the American Psychological Association (APA )style, drafting, revising and editing a paper.
This unit includes instruction on the nature of argument/persuasion, strategies and techniques, stating and defending positions, gathering evidential support, point of view, utilising logic and reason, using examples, facts, statistics and quoting experts.
This unit encourages learners to engage in critical reading, comprehension, analysis and evaluation of academic texts. Learners will read texts for content, context, genre, organisation, stylistic features (mood, tone, language, rhetorical techniques etc), author’s purpose, attitude, audience, credibility and argumentative/persuasive elements.
This unit includes instruction on the nature and significance of reflective writing. It will encourage learners to use a diary or journal to write about personal experiences, critical incidents or reactions to situations. Learners will use higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation) and personal responses (not just descriptive, narrative) to make connections between theory and practice and create an action plan for change.
Students will be expected to consult with the instructor at various stages of in-course assignments and are required to submit the following for grading:
* one individual RESEARCH PAPER (Argumentative/persuasive, 1250-1300 words) - - 25%
- Language (8 marks)
- Content (9 marks)
- Organization (4 marks)
- Bibliography/Citation (4 marks)
* one group assignment (evaluation of written discourse). Maximum number in group: 4 - 25% *
- Evaluation and analysis of text (10 marks)
- Language (6 marks)
- Organisation (5 marks)
- Collaboration (4 marks)
* Final examination - 50% * Evaluation of written discourse (30%) * Reflective Essay (20%) * Language - 8 * Content - 7 * Organization - 5
1. See University Regulations for guidelines on attendance.
2. Students are expected to acquire recommended texts, since individual study will be heavily emphasized.
3. Students are required to write the examinations at the set date and time. Only a valid medical certificate can be used as the basis of an alternate.
4. Students will be guided by their instructors on assignment submission.
COURSE SCHEDULE Week | Unit Title and Session Topics | Methodology | Evaluation and Grading | 1 | Orientation: Course Outline.UNIT I: The RESEARCH PROCESS: * gathering and evaluating sources of information * writing notes * summarising and synthesising information | LecturePowerPoint presentationLibrary Searches | Concept check | 2 | UNIT I: THE RESEARCH PROCESS * academic Honesty * avoiding plagiarism * summarising, quoting, paraphrasing | LecturePowerPoint presentation | Practice exercises | 3 | UNIT I: THE RESEARCH PROCESS: * using the American Psychological Association (APA) style * selecting a topic * drafting, revising and editing a paper * using direct and indirect quotes | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passages | Selecting a topicCreation of sample Bibliography, use of in-text citation | 4 | UNIT II : ARGUMENTATION/ PERSUASION * nature of argument/persuasion * strategies and techniques * stating and defending positions, gathering evidential support * point of view, utilising logic and reason * using examples, facts, statistics and quoting experts. | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passages | Practice exercisesWriting proposition statements | 5 | UNIT II: ARGUMENTATION/PERSUASION * utilising logic and reason, * logical fallacies * using examples, facts, statistics and quoting experts. * counter argument, rebuttal | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passages | In-class:- pro and con lists- debates- proposition statement - counter arguing | 6 | UNIT II: ARGUMENTATION/PERSUASION * drafting * editing * revising paper | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passagesGroup activities | Practice exercises | 7 | UNIT III: EVALUATION OF WRITTEN DISCOURSE * review of rhetorical modes (expository, descriptive, narrative) * comprehension skills (levels of comprehension) * content * genre | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passagesGroup activities | RESEARCH PAPER DUE 25%Practice Exercises | 8 | UNIT III: EVALUATION OF WRITTEN DISCOURSE * organisation * stylistic features (mood, tone, language, rhetorical techniques) * author’s purpose, attitude, audience, credibility * team work skills | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passagesGroup activities | Practice Exercises | 9 | UNIT III: EVALUATION OF WRITTEN DISCOURSE * argumentative/persuasive elements. * analysis of sample passages in groups | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passagesGroup activities | Practice exercisesTeam work | 10 | UNIT IV: REFLECTIVE WRITING: * nature and significance of reflection * using a diary or journal * critical incident, personal experience, reaction | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passages | GROUP ASSIGNMENT DUE 25%Practice exercises | 11 | UNIT IV: REFLECTIVE WRITING: * organisation * language | LecturePowerPoint presentationSample passages | Practice exercisesJournal entries | 12 | UNIT IV: REFLECTIVE WRITING:Higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation). Connections between theory and practice. Action plan and change. Examples. | Lecture & interactive class exercises | Practice exercises | 13 | Review week | | | 14 | Exam week | | | 15 | Exam week | | |
References: * one individual RESEARCH PAPER (Argumentative/persuasive, 1250-1300 words) - - 25% - Language (8 marks)
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