First Semester 2011-2012
Lecturer : Dr. Tirso B. Paris, Jr., Professor
Office: : Room 3, Economics Department, CEM
Consultation Hours : 10:00-12:00 a.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. TTh or by appointment
Telephone Nos. : 536-2505 (office); 536-2528 (home), 0917-323-7294 (cell)
Email : tbparis@pldtdsl.net, tbparis@gmail.com
Course Website : http://www.tbparis.com/Econ130
TEXTBOOK: Chiang, Alpha C. and Kevin Wainwright. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, 4rd ed., McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2005.
1. Introduction [Note: Read Chaps. 1 & 2 on your own] 1, 2
2. Economic Models and Static Analysis 3
3. Elements of Matrix Algebra 4
4. Determinants, Singularity, Inverse Matrix and Cramer’s Rule 5.1-5.6
5. Input-Output Models 5.7
first exam
6. Comparative Statics and Review of Derivatives 6
7. Rules of Differentiation and the Use in Comparative Statics 7
8. Differentials, Total Derivatives and Implicit Functions 8.1-8.5
9. Comparative Static Analysis of General Models 8.6
second exam
10. Optimization Without Constraints: One Choice Variable 9.1-9.4
11. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Growth Rates 10
12. Optimization of Functions With More Than One Choice Variable 11.1-11.4
13. Economic Applications: Price Discrimination and Multi-product firm models 11.5- 11.6 14. Constrained Optimization: Utility Maximization and Consumer Demand 12. 1-12.5 15. Homogeneous Functions, Cost Minimization and Elasticity of Substitution 12.6-12.7
third exam
GRADING: Pre-final grade = Three long exams (85%) + Quizzes and Exercises (15%) Final Grade = Pre-final grade (60%) + Final Exam (40%)
1. For students with pre-final grade of 3.0 or better and who have taken all three exams, the final exam is optional.