To be completed by the markers
Module Name and code
Organizational Behaviour 2UZB401
First Marker’s name (equivalent to the signature)
Student ID (UoW)
Second Marker’s name (equivalent to the signature)
Student ID (WIUT)
For Registrar’s office use only (hard copy submission)
Deadline date
November 18, 2013
Individual assignment
Group assignment
Submission instructions
Please note that all work must be submitted electronically unless instructed otherwise.
For online submission instructions refer to: - Coursework online submission instructions.doc
For hardcopy submission instructions refer to: - Coursework hard copy submission instructions.doc
To be completed by markers
Assessment criterion and/or learning outcome
Marker’s comments and second marker’s comments if appropriate
Individual Written Assignment
In this report it will be provided the information about a role of people in management of the organization, a view of organizational behavior from the point of view of social sciences, influence of leadership on efficiency of staff of the company on the example of a specific organization. In particular, it will be compared different styles of leadership. Moreover, from an overall perspective it can be analyzed methods of management over the employees by the director of the company, organizational structure and design and what is the main incentive to work for workers as from the point of view of the director and workers.
Founded in 2012, Agent Active is a privately-held realtor company based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It is the young energetic realtor company engaged in a rent and a sale of apartments, houses, commercial real estates. It
Bibliography: Charles, H., (1993). Understanding Organizations. 4th ed. England: Clays Ltd Online Sources: Argyris, C., (2013). Human Relations Contributors. [online] Available from: [Accessed 17 November 2013]. Wise, M.,(1999). Locus of Control in Our Daily Lives: How the Concept of Control Impacts the Social World. [online] Available from: [Accessed 17 November 2013]. McLeod, S., (2001). Type A Personality. [online] Available from: [Accessed 17 November 2013].