In Kelly G. v Board of Education of the City of Yonkers, a student and her guardians filed a lawsuit to retrieve damages for what they described as negligence and sexual harassment by a school music teacher. The plaintiff stated that the music teacher made vulgar and improper sexual statements towards her as well as inappropriately touched her in sexual way. When this trial came to court, it was dismissed, the complaint granting judgment to the defendants.
The plaintiffs requested another trial that would focus on the negligence of proper supervision of students. The Supreme Court of New York Appellate Division Rational Decision stated that the governing council for schools could not be held accountable for the teachers’ actions, but it can be held accountable for careless hiring, neglectful supervision, and unconcerned retention. Various court decisions state that a “necessary element of such causes of action is that the employer knew or should of known of the employee’s propensity for conduct which caused the injury.” Also, the court stated that, “a school owes a duty to adequately supervise the students in its care, and may be held