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However, this is something that is very hard to enforce. This is hard to enforce because that indicated perpetrator won't always disclosed their indicated status to everyone they meet. This means that if you have a child and you were to meet someone, started dating that individual, and at one point left them home alone with your child while you ran to the grocery store and you were unaware that that person was an indicated perpetrator, that perp would have unsupervised contact with a child. Those indicated perpetrators often try to find single parents, just to get closer to those children.
“A court order is an official proclamation by a judge that defines the legal relationships between the parties to a hearing, a trial, an appeal or other court proceedings. Such ruling requires or authorizes the carrying out of certain steps by one or more parties to a case.” This means that if an order is issued by a judge, it must be carried out. The consequence for that order being ignored would be a contempt charge that could land the noncomplying individual in …show more content…
Why would you want to give that woman the chance to put another baby through the sickness and pain of withdrawal? The complications of withdrawal are not the only problems that an addicted baby will have. That baby could suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome or have another disability. Why take the risk of another child not having a life where they can run and play outside? That is a risk that I feel is too great to just let these individuals run around all willy nilly and