What makes me proud of the last assignment is that I can learn many things from the “Lives on the Boundaries” book and apply them to my actual life. Using TEA paragraph, I have thesis statement, evidences from the book and my life, and then analysis. It is very helpful for me in organizing for the essay by focus what the prompt wants and develop it from explanation.
One more tool to improve the quality of paper is grammar, and “A Commonsense Guide to Grammar and Usage” is also a good book. It is very important for me to review grammar during writing. An essay without grammar’s mistake will attract more to readers. Some learning log assignments recalled my grammar, and help me in the three essays.
Another factor helping me in writing skills is that I learn many steps before turning it in such as writing an outline, starting to write, editing and revising. One of the best ways to revising effectively that I get from the Mark’s Eye book is by reading loudly by my voice to recognize easily my mistake. I applied all of these steps into this last assignment. Moreover, my paper