Enclosed you will find my Senior Exit Portfolio highlighting my performance throughout high school. Included in the portfolio are the following:
My resume, highlighting my academic, extracurricular and work experiences and skills.
My Personal Statement, a reflective/analytical essay.
A research project, showing my research, analysis and writing skills.
Certificates, awards and other evidence of achievements in extracurricular, athletic and/or volunteer activities.
I am writing to you today as a Senior here at Santa Ana High School waiting for my opportunity to graduate in the class of 2013. My goal in life, like many others, has changed from time to time. Now I am set in pursuing a career in Game Design. I will accomplish this by first attending Santa Ana College, then transferring to the University of Advancing Technology. I believe than my excellent work ethic, dedication, and just being a gamer myself will lead me to my goal, my dream of becoming a Game Designer. I am proud of everything that is in my portfolio that I have completed, but I am especially proud of my Speech medals, and all my Art of Graphic Design projects. The Speech medallions are only given to the best of the classes so it means, so it is easy to see why it means so much to me. Winning the medals shows that you can compete, improvise, speak, adapt etc. I am proud of my Art of Graphic Design projects because they were the first step leading me to my career and show how I can do on a computer. Now I have things to show future employers that I have experience with Photoshop, which will be needed, and other systems similar to it. Being able to show many of my best projects has showed me how to do it for when I need to in the future. Seeing all the things that I have accomplished has given me the confidence to keep pursuing my goal of becoming a Game Designer. I have learned that to be a Game Designer one myst be a good writer, have great