Joseph Bitter and two brothers, Joseph Smith and Steve Smith, became good friends. As a result of their friendship, they decided to go into the tavern business together. The parties bought an existing tavern and took title in the name of their corporation; Gomer’s Inc. Soon the brothers began feuding with bitter and because of their combined two-thirds interest, assumed virtual control of the business. In response bitter claimed that he and the brothers (the promoters) not the corporation held title to the real state. He claimed that Gomer’s Inc., could not own the building because the corporation was not yet in existence when the contract was made. Do the promoters, rather than the corporation, own the building?…
1. Specific identification method. Boston Galleries uses the specific identification method for inventory valuation. Inventory information for several oil paintings follows.…
A casualty is the damage, destruction, or loss of property resulting from an identifiable event that is sudden, unexpected, or unusual. Evidentially, the total loss the Mendezs suffered from their second home collapsing into a sink hole is (would?) qualified as a personal casualty loss under this Section. The portion of the loss sustained that is not compensated for by their homeowner insurance policy is eligible for itemized deduction provided that the Mendezs file a timely claim for…
According to the fact of this case, Parent Co. (Parent) wholly owns Poor Son Co. (Poor Son) as a legal subsidiary, and both of them all nonpublic companies. However, in January 2007 Poor Son filed a voluntary bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code because of its inability of meet obligations as they became due. Then, Parent claimed the loss of control of Poor Son and deconsolidated Poor Son from its financial statement. Through the bidding process in May 2009, Poor Son and OtherCo, the winning sponsor, filed a joint plan of reorganization to the bankruptcy court, but the plan was rescinded by OtherCo later due to significant market value shrink of Poor Son. After that, the bankruptcy court reopened the bidding process and recommended Parent’s plan of reorganization in August 2010. Finally, Parent received final confirmation of Poor Son’s plan.…
Explain why this patient’s blood pressure was so low and her heart rate was so high upon arrival at the emergency room.…
| * Many individuals lost their SSN to the criminals * More info can be accessed as a result which makes the customer or ChoicePoint more vulnerable to other crimes…
capitalization. First, the asset must require a period of time to prepare it for its…
EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: Extenuating circumstances are considered to be significant life experiences that impacted your emotional and/or physical health so much that you were unable to make good academic progress while meeting SAP.…
CPAs are required to obtain a bachelor's degree in business administration, finance or accounting. CPAs are also required to complete 150 hours of education and have no less than two years public accounting experience. CPAs must pass a certification exam, and certification requirements vary by state. Additionally, CPAs must complete a specific number of continuing hours of education yearly.…
maximum length of your response is 3 pages. If necessary an additional two page appendix can be added for items such as illustrations, journal entries, financial statement items or IFRS or ASPE Standards extracts. The appendix should not contain discussion or analysis. [That is, the overall limit is three pages + a two page appendix, if needed, for a total of 5 pages (single spaced, minimum 12 font)].…
Add/Drop Dates: Students must enroll in classes during the first four weeks of the semester. Students will not be permitted to add later even if they have attended all classes, taken all exams, and otherwise completed all course requirements. University policy is that withdrawals are permitted only for serious and compelling reasons. In addition, College of Business policy prohibits students from withdrawing from the same course more than once for any reason.…
Students should keep all course outlines for each course taken at Centennial College. These may be used to apply for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. A fee may be charged for additional or replacement copies.…
Transfer applicants: You are not required to supply SAT or ACT information if you will have 60 or more transferrable college semester units (90 or more quarter units).…
CPA's provide many resources and links on their websites. Many offer financial guides pertaining to business strategies, investment strategies, live events, tax strategies for businesses or individuals. A tax center with refund tracking, tax due dates, tax rates, and links to the IRS and state tax websites. Many also provide interactive financial calculators that deal with college funds, credit, home and mortgage, insurance, investments, qualified plans, retirement, taxation, auto, and business. Also links to different websites including the IRS, Social Security Administration, U.S. Small Business Administration, and financial links. Many also include a secure client portal for clients to send and track information. ("Steve v. baker" )…
If I were getting my CPA license in Wisconsin, I must complete several procedures and meet the licensing requirements of the State of Wisconsin. After obtaining the education requirements, which includes completing 150 semester hours and graduating with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, I will began the process of taking the Uniform CPA Exam. After the exam I will move forward in the process of obtaining my CPA license by meeting requirements set by the state of Wisconsin.…