1. Sources of law
1.1 Identify the sources of different types of law
1.2 Identify the features of the different legal systems
1.2.1 Common law
1.2.2 Civil law
1.2.3 Sharia law
2. Common law and legislation: precedent and stare decisis and statutory interpretation
2.1 Identify how common law and relevant legislation are applied
2.2 Analyse and explain legal cases and principles in setting precedents
2.3 Specify how legal cases and principles set precedents
2.4 Identify how to deal with the doctrine of stare decisis (legal precedent)
2.5 Specify the rules and models for statutory interpretation
3. Legal framework
3.1 Describe the legal framework of statute law (legislation) and common law
3.2 Explain the heirarchy of the court system
3.3 Explain how different types of disputes are handled by the court system
3.4 Identify and explain different methods of alternative dispute resolution
4. Fundamental aspects of contracts and contract law
4.1 Describe the fundamental features and essential requirements (terms) of contracts.
4.2 Describe the law of contract
4.3 Describe the necessary elements in the formulation of a contract
4.4 Explain the importance of conditions and essential terms of contracts
4.5 Identify the nature and status of pre-contract representations
4.6 Explain the effect of valid exclusion clauses
5. Breaches of contract law
5.1 Recognise the different types of breach of contract and their effects
5.2 Specify relevant and available remedies for breach of contract
5.2.1 Damages
5.2.2 Specific performance
6. Specialised commercial contracts
6.1 Identify the characteristics of commercial contracts used in international trade
6.1.1 International