Our online agreement includes the following provisions:
• This Agreement allows us to streamline many of your online transactions and provide immediate responses to your applications. It also contains terms for the proper use of the site and how we communicate with you.
Claims relating to the Online Agreement will be resolved by arbitration or in small claims court.
• You agree we may deliver information electronically during an online transaction or when it explains our decision about an online transaction. This will not affect the way we deliver your policies and statements.
You agree to receive the Privacy Promise electronically.
Your delivery preferences for all other documents will not be changed.
• You are confirming that you have the system requirements to view electronic documents including PDFs.
(Requires the free Adobe Reader®.)
You are showing us that you have the ability to receive documents electronically. We describe the hardware and software you will need to receive documents electronically and how to request paper copies. You agree to electronically receive information presented as part of your Internet transactions, our decisions about those transactions, and the USAA Privacy Promise. This
Agreement does not change how we deliver other Documents.
Hardware requirements: To access and retain electronic Documents you need a computer or mobile device with access to the
Internet, the ability to download or print Documents, and a current version of a PDF reader. If you agree to receive a Document electronically by a recorded message through a telephone system, you will need a touchtone telephone. If you agree to receive an electronic Document delivered to a personal digital assistant device or mobile device, you will need the device and a service plan that enables you to view messages.
Your ability to receive electronic Documents: By signing this Agreement you are demonstrating that you