Further discussion advised that Cpt Taalib, speak to Mr. Kirby, in which she responded that she had previously spoken to him on two separate occasions and he had advised her that the burden of locating the vehicle had been put on her to locate the vehicle. Cpt Taalib, stated that she tried to contact the owner of the vehicle who stated when she signed over
the vehicle stated that she would deregister the vehicle. The owner of the vehicle according to Cpt Taalib was somehow being deceitful to her about the whereabouts or the actions taken to deregister the vehicle.
Cpt Taalib believe that vehicle was located off post and abandoned in a parking garage off post and asked if Military Police could provide resources to see if the vehicle was in the location she suspected, because she was not allowed to go off post. Cpt Taalib pressed M.P.s desk SGT’s about the timeliness of reporting a type of report that could be beneficial in this situation, and that if this had been the U.S. that some report could be filed and she could drive again.
Cpt Taalib spoke of talking to DES Chief Mr. Walker, that she stated she was unable to get a hold of him. She also, spoke of filing an ICE complaint to aid in her situation.
Note Cpt Taalib, had previously tried to report her situation on 12th Aug, but stated that she would be back at a later date. During this attempt to report this situation, she began asking questions pertaining to filing a lost or stolen vehicle pass, but was advised to go the ARMY One Stop for processing of her situation.