Innovate or die. It is this serious for organisations if they are lack of innovation as it is seen as the engine of an organisation for growth (Bryant, 2007). Innovation is the key to success and survival for a corporate. Successful leaders and companies recognize innovation as a force that drives growth. Furthermore, innovation is achieved by sharing a continuously intense growth attitude, passion for solving problem and also turning thoughts into realities. Being innovative will only lead to more growth as new markets, services and products are introduced and re-invent. This depends solely on an organization’s capability to recognize market opportunities, its internal abilities to respond to situation innovatively and also its knowledge base (Kotelnikov, n.d.).
The characteristics of a typical innovative organisation are that the company’s management tolerates failure when individuals take on risks to be innovative. Next, bureaucratic policies are kept at a minimum level in order to keep the job description easily comprehensible and allow flexibility for the employees to have an opportunity to improvise it. An innovative organisation also does not analyse risk continuously whereas it measures both potential benefit and risks involved before making any decisions. There are also two groupings of employees in an organisation where the first would be the one who are applying others’ ideas and the other type would be the risk-taker. However, these groupings are
References: Bryant, B. (2007) Shaping an Innovative Culture: Are Your Actions Shaping or Breaking Innovation?. [accessed 10 May 2010]. CNNmoney (2010 [a]) World’s Most Admired Companies 2010: Apples Snapshot CNNmoney (2010 [b]) World’s Most Admired Companies 2010: Industries – Motor Vehicles. [accessed 10 May 2010]. Ditkoff, M. (2010) Create a Garden Of Innovation!. [accessed 19 April 2010]. Honda (2010) Honda: Innovation. [accessed 10 May 2010]. Kageyama, Y. (2009) Honda connects brain with robotics. [accessed 14 May 2010]. Jennex, M.E. (2008) Current Issues In Knowledge Management, Information Science Reference, New York. Mintzer, B. (2004) Newsletter by Barbara Mintzer: Characteristics of an Innovative Organization. [accessed 18 April 2010]. Taylor, A. (2008) Inside Honda’s Brain. [accessed 9 May 2010].