The area we investigated were the level of processing theory of memory as presented by Craik & Lockhart. Craik & Lockhart suggested information that was processed more deeply, are more memorable because memory depended on the way we learn information. Craik & Lockhart, therefore, proposes that memory is a byproduct of processing.
Craik & Lockhart suggested different levels of processing, such as structural, phonological and semantic which could be categorised as shallow, intermediate and deep levels of processing. They proposed that deep levels lead to longer lasting memory, while, shallow levels resulted in memory decay. A study that illustrates this theory are Hyde & Jenkins, where they investigate whether deep levels of processing …show more content…
The semi - interquartile range was higher in the shallow processing group, which was 1.5 than in the deep processing group which was 1.25. This demonstrated that the deep processing group has better memorization of words since the median data was higher and the level of dispersion was lower in the deep processing group.
Inferential Statistics:
Mann-Whitney U test was selected because the data was ordinal and the hypothesis was one tailed. The experimental design was independent groups and we were looking for a difference between the effect on each level of the independent variable had on the dependent variable. The test's observed and critical values was N1= 13, N2 = 16, R1= 268, U= 31, U’= 177. With a one tail hypothesis and a p-value of 0.05, it showed that our calculated value of 31 was smaller than the critical value of 65 so our results were significant so we accepted the experimental hypothesis and rejected the null hypothesis. These results supports the theory deep processing will result in better memorization than shallow