The human body is a unique and fascinating entity. There is not much notice taken of the features the human body is capable of. The brain is necessary to perform day-to-day actions, such as the ability to speak, and see amongst us. This brain is made up of simple mater (Pia mater, Arachnoid mater, Dura mater) and the cranial surface to protect the brain. We live our daily lives without acknowledging the importance of this organ, the brain, unless you’re a medical student of course! Despite that people go on with their daily activities using the human natural senses. Looking at the world through the eyes, watching for any danger around us; ears for hearing the sounds detecting something that may call for danger, the nose to smell the natural environment, touching and feeling surfaces to become familiar with the surrounding, and to taste the different foods that provide nourishment to stay healthy. All these senses are essential for survival, although what happens if one or more of these senses are taken away? Surviving the everyday world becomes just a little tougher and even impossible in other societies. The cranial nerves in the brain control these senses along with other bodily functions necessary to survive. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that emerge from the brain out of various foramina or fissures from the cranium. Each cranial nerve contains sensory or motor fibers or a combination of these fivers to carry impulses from the brain to the various locations allowing the individual to perform normal human functions.
The 12 pairs of cranial nerves (Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducent, Facial, Vestibulocochlear, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal Accessory, and Hypoglossal) can carry one or more of the five functional components of the motor (efferent) or sensory (afferent) fibers. The motor (efferent) fibers can innervate voluntary (stratified) muscle or it can be involved in innervating glands and