Tiffany Crawford
July 13, 2015
David Pettinari
Personal Perception
There has been an increase in global technology over the past few years. The increase in technology allows us to have access to many things from almost anywhere, such as the Internet. People can find information right at their fingertips faster and easier than ever before. However, with this increase in technology comes an increase in cybercrime.
Cybercrime is any crime that is committed online or through the use of an electronic device such as a computer or smartphone. Cybercrime is very broad and can be anything from stealing money online to downloading illegal files. The creation and distribution of viruses on to others computers is a very popular cybercrime. The most prominent cybercrime is identity theft through pharming and phishing techniques used by criminals to steal personal information. Cybercrime is increasing as technology increases because criminals are finding it easier to get personal information from almost anywhere. Not only individual electronic devices are being attacked, businesses are also becoming attacked where many people are falling victim.
Almost everyone now days has some computer device on them almost all the time, people are always checking social media through smartphones or performing some online activity. The online infrastructure has endpoints; these endpoints transmit data. Businesses use many technologies to assist them in providing certain personal information that needs to be protected. For example, law enforcement uses computer devices to search for information on a suspect. There are other technologies such as monitoring devices from hospitals that allow real-time feedback of the patient's vitals. Many individuals use laptops or smartphones to access his or her online banking account to transfer, withdraw, or deposit money. All of the information that is gathered and stored online becomes vulnerable, and if