I. Introduction Everybody knows what marijuana is, we know it by different names.
A. Greeting-I’ll be talking about the legalization of marijuana
B. Attention getter-sing a part of “I want to get High” by Cypress Hill
C. Credibility statement-Marijuana has good benefits they’re not all bad like people make it seem.
D. Central Idea-for my audience to have a different perspective of marijuana not just negative stuff.
Transition-According to Bloomberg.com Marijuana is going through a legal revolution in the U.S that would be imaginable. The war on drugs is very high right now and a lot of people are not agreeing to the legalization of Marijuana.
II. Body
A. Main point #1-Let me tell you what it is about Marijuana that gets us high and what benefits if legalized.
1. Subordinate point Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannibol or THC is the main ingredient in cannabis.
a. Support –The Institute of Medicine published in a report done in March 1999 that Delta 9THC is the only compound in marijuana plan that produces all the psychoactive effects of marijuana.
b. Support-When THC is at a high percent like about 20% that is going to be stronger the effect will be faster to the brain.
2. Subordinate point- Support-According to a 2010 study that was made by Cato Institute legalizing marijuana would generate $8.7 billion in federal and state tax revenue annually.
a. Colorado is one of the states that has legalized marijuana on the first day pot stores opened the state totaled over $1 million in sales.
B .By legalizing marijuana the funds that were used to fight it can now be used to focus on health care. Funds can also be used in rehabilitation centers to help people that have addictions to stronger drugs like heroin, cocaine and meth.
B. Main point #2-Marijuana is not just for getting high it can also help with pain.
1. Subordinate point-Pain is the main reason people ask for prescription, says Barth Wisley.MD. a pain medicine
Cited: Randall, T. (2014, March 04). Marijuana legalization makes tv commercials funny . Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-04/marijuana-legalization-makes-tv-commercials-funny.html Burden, W. (2014, January 21). Opinion: Legalization of marijuana has financial, health benefits. Retrieved from http://thelantern.com/2014/01/opinion-legalization-marijuana-financial-health-benefits/ Disabled World: Medical Marijuana for Pain and Depressionhttp://www.disabled-world.com/medical/pharmaceutical/marijuana/ Battle, D. (2013, October 22). Marijuana legalization pros/cons. Retrieved from http://www.liberty.edu/champion/2013/10/marijuana-legalization-proscons/ Quinn, P. (2014, February 4). The pros and cons of legalizing marijuana. Retrieved from http://warwickadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20140204/OPINION02/140209980/0/SEARCH What is -- and what causes -- the marijuana "high"?. (2011, April 20). Retrieved from http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=642