Sustainable Banking in India: The Road Less Travelled
Dr. Prita D. Mallya Associate Professor Dept. of Economics & Banking, VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics, Goa;
National Conference on Emerging Challenges forSustainable Business 2012 311
Sustainable Banking in India: The Road Less Travelled
Sustainable Banking in India: The Road Less Travelled Abstract Although the concept and practice of socially responsible and sustainable investing (SRSI) or more simply, sustainable finance, is yet to catch on in India, it represents a potentially hugely rewarding business opportunity. This paper begins with the wider concept of sustainable development and business, then highlights the importance of sustainable banking – why it makes economic sense for banks to seriously venture into this area; it lists various international initiatives to promote SRSI, identifies global best practices in the area of sustainable finance and presents the Indian banking sector’s sparse efforts in this direction. It also identifies some financial products that offer opportunities for sustainable banking in India. Since sustainable banking in India is in its infancy, the scope for empirical work in this area is extremely limited. This limitation can be overcome in the future as more bankers accept and follow this essential practice. Key words: green banking, responsible banking, sustainable banking, sustainable finance, sustainable development
1. Introduction
National Conference on Emerging Challenges forSustainable Business 2012 312
Sustainable Banking in India: The Road Less Travelled
There have been several paradigm shifts in the understanding of the concept of economic development (Meier 2005, Todaro & Smith 2011). In the early days of development economics following the end of the Second World War, development was seen as being concomitant with economic growth, and Gross Domestic
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