
Creating Strong Brands

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Creating Strong Brands
Creating Strong Brands

Sue Dean

Interbrand’s Top Global Brands

Group Discussion
Think of a powerful brand
What factors make it successful?

Brands - Many definitions…..
“A brand is a product or service made distinctive by its positioning relative to the competition and by its personality” Hankinson & Cowking

Building Strong Brands
• Strong brands have a strong identity / personality which are built on a unique set of brand associations Strong brands act as magnets and provide…. •

More than the generic product
Superior consumer value
Reassurance and security
Differentiation and uniqueness

• They understand their customers!

Customers Today are…

More discerning
More mobile
More informed
More confident
More individualistic

• Most consumers have all they need


A successful brand must satisfy the dreams and aspirations of consumers as well as their needs

Because we don’t shop like this…

…but like this!

Brand loyalty is often based on…

An aspirational act
Enhancing self image/self esteem
Reinforcing peer group membership
Providing reassurance
Simplifying choice
Saving time

Strong brands

• A strong brand has a
• consistent, coherent identity
• A strong brand has a
• unique personality

Brand Importance
• Having a strong brand is important in a crowded and competitive fashion environment
• Strong brands ‘stand out’ from just products
• Consumers relate to strong brands
• Brands help consumers make choices
• Brands have a message that can be communicated

What is a Brand?
• A Brand is a complex symbol
• It is the intangible sum of a product’s:
– Attributes (functions and values)
– Name
– Packaging
– Price
– History
– Reputation
– The way it’s advertised

Brand Experience

External Brand

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