Glenda Jones
LDR 531 Week3
March 28, 2013
Professor Rebecca Marek
Creating a Plan of Positive Influence When creating a plan for positive influence leaderships must focus on an array of characteristics of the employee. Organizational culture is important to the success of the employees and the company. ABC Tax Preparation Company wants to engage its staff in creating new revenue streams for the company. The company must identify traits demonstrated by employees to help create a profile of how individuals are motivated and open to improving his or her performance in the workplace. Research has shown there are several methods to induce motivation, performance, and job satisfaction (Yukl, 2006). This is a description on a plan identifying the implementation strategies to create, engage, and sustain employee in the workplace. The methods employers use to engage employees concentrate on attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values of individuals. In addition, the importance of diverse behavior and the influence it has on team collaboration and cohesion in the workplace is addressed.
ABC Tax Preparation Company is a small company attempting to expand its business through the implementation of new products and services. The company has a very small budget so it is important to maximize efforts to stay within the specified budget. The objective is to create a plan to influence employees to generate ideas on how to growth the company with new products and services. ABC Tax Preparation believes by engaging all employees to get involved in the brainstorming process will help the company with its goals and stay within budget. Providing employees with incentives persuades employees to go above and beyond to differentiate performance levels from its competitors (Love 2 rewards,2013). Outline of the Plan ABC Tax Preparation Company creates a profile of all employees to determine individual