How might you use the strategies for applying creativity to problems and issues in addressing this topic?
The strategies I would use to apply creativity to problems and issues in addressing this topic would be to add more detail or life to my article so it can be related to by the people reading it more easily. Another strategy that I can think of is to take the novel approach which will also get the readers to read my article as a story to get them more in depth to what I have written in my article. Making a concept to edit my paper with will help my article to not only look good, but to be a bit more improved from the original article.
How might you use the strategies for promoting curiosity in addressing this topic? Why do you think these strategies might be effective? * * I would make sure that the title of my article will bring in readers with a details but not to many of them so they will read it with interest. The details I would add will not leave them hanging. I think that these strategies would be effective because it will keep them guessing and will keep them interested to the end of the article. *
How might you use the various methods for producing ideas to eliminate the bias from the original article and still present a factual and persuasive case? * * I would use all the methods I can think of to make sure it will not be bias by thinking about both sides of the coin (per say) so that I can understand where everybody is coming from before I write about