Dear Mum,
If you actually did understand me or my feelings I wouldn’t have had to tell you my depressing thoughts in this letter.
The words, shocked and appalled, are dispersing all over my brain at the moment as I just can’t comprehend the reasons for you not attending the annual Drama night.
I try my absolute hardest to achieve greatness. I still can’t believe you haven’t even bothered to look at one of my superb test/assignment results over the years, which says ‘Excellent’ or ‘A’ on the front. My effort is one of my best qualities and I always put in 110% all the time. For instance, when we were in Art class, everyone was mucking around taking terrible photos but mine (as the teacher said)
was perfect. As it was such brilliant photography she even nominated for it to be published in a competition. More importantly, the Drama night was an absolute success and some of it was because of me. You should of seen me, Mum, acting the lead role and I can’t believe it everyone thought I was fantastic. I also constructed some magnificent and elaborate costumes and props, which really helped the play to possess a bold and eye – catching characteristic.
If you have ever noticed though, Mum, I do these things for you, to make you feel proud of me. I sincerely love you and you will always be my favourite person in the world.
I just hope you will find it in your heart to make me a special part of your life from now on and forever.
Alison Ashley