After being unconscious for 3 hours, Katie awoke with a painful headache and some cuts and bruises. She slowly stood up from the cold, hard ground and looked around. There was a trail of lights leading down a tunnel in front of her. She walked down the tunnel and found a girl and a boy tied up and unconscious. She quickly ran to them and untied them.
20 minutes of Katie worrying about what was going on went by, and the girl's eyes fluttered open. Katie rushed to her side, and overwhelmed her with questions. "Who are you? What is this place? How did you get here? How long have you been here? How do we get out? Who's this boy?" Katie asked the girl.
"The last thing I remember was my friend and I walking in a big meadow. My name is Julia and he's Lucas," she pointed to the boy. "I probably know just as much about this place as you do."
"Looks like you guys have already met." Came a voice from behind the girls. They both quickly turned around to face the man.
"Who are you?" Katie asked nervously. "I'm Shane. I live here with my brother. It took us 2 years to build this place, it's nothing but tunnels and small rooms. We're living down here like gophers. It's nice to finally have some visitors, it gets really lonely sometimes. Can I interest either of you in some cookies or pastries?"
"Yes please, I’m starving!" said Julia.
Katie suspected a trap. "Why were Julia and Lucas tied up?" she asked Shane.
"Uhhhh... Because..."