Of course, I ran. I wanted to confront her as quickly as possible. And get this over as soon as I could. Girls can be really nasty when they want to be and that's not even the worst case scenario.
Just around the corner!
I skidded to a stop. What a sight I saw. She stood in the middle of a group of blonde girls (one, I assume is actually a brunette) and was surrounded by a swarm of people, flocking around her like chickens. All chattering and gossiping at once. A ton of the popular kids were with her, jocks, athletes, girls with way too much make-up on. All acting ''buddy buddy'' with each other. There was no way I just stroll right in without surviving. I'll admit, I am a little shy and get nervous easily. …show more content…
If that was even possible. The group walked down the corridor and I backed up a bit, I felt somewhat belittled. Then this thought entered my mind, Maybe you should tell Eric. After all, he's got social standing and could sort of fix this. For some reason I pushed that thought back into the depths of my brain. I kind of wanted to do this myself, I felt like I needed to prove something. Does that make me a bad friend? I guess I'll keep the thought for more analyzation later. I quietly made my way back to the lunch room. A few people gave me some quick glances when I entered.
I sat back down at the empty table and continued watching Aubrey and Eric from afar. I think I saw Aubrey briefly looked at