“Come on Domitius, it is time to get up!”
I groaned as I did so. Phokas was a family slave, and had been personally assigned to me, and was responsible for bringing me to and from school each day. On days when we have club meetings however, I send Phokas home while I go to the Roman Boys’ fort. We can’t have any non-members around during our meetings!
Anyway, Phokas is rather old, and he has been serving our family for many years. He had even been Father’s personal slave for many years! He also had a great memory. He could tell me details of great deeds that had happened hundreds of years before that I had not even heard …show more content…
“We just have a few questions for you.”
“Alright, what?” Hadrian’s voice was cool and calm, almost board.
Iulius jumped in. “Is it true that you are starting a new club of boys?”
Hadrian laughed. “Is that what this is all about? Sure, I’ll tell you. It is true; I have started my own club, the United Romans. I am sick and tired of you four always lording over everyone that you have a club and that no one else is allowed in it. Well, I am starting a club that will be open to all boys, no matter what!” Hadrian had started with a laugh, but he finished with anger deep into his voice and words.
Iulius darkened with anger as well. “How dare you!” he said through clenched teeth as he stepped toward Hadrian. It looked like there would be a large argument between Hadrian and the Roman Boys, and I began preparing myself for it, ready to do my part for the Roman Boys.
But just then, Hadrian looked over our shoulders and called out, “Hey, come over …show more content…
By now, we had already deduced that they were United Romans, members of Hadrian’s club. The eight of us, four on each side, glared at each other for several minutes before Hadrian spoke up.
“Is that all that you wanted to know, Roman Boys?” He spat the last two words out with contempt.
“All for now Hadrian!” Caius retorted, equally angry, and we wheeled around and marched off.
Once we were out of the hearing range of the United Romans, Caius said, “From now on, we are going to have a meeting of the Roman Boys every day, at least until we get a sense of what Hadrian and his United Romans are up to. Then, we are going to do everything possible to stop them. I don’t like the idea of another club competing with us.”
“Good then,” I said, “shall we go to the fort now?”
“Yes,” Caius replied, “let’s go. We have a lot of planning to