Methods that may stimulate creativity and their use in architectural design education
´ Doris C. C. K. Kowaltowski • Giovana Bianchi • Valeria Teixeira de Paiva
Published online: 13 November 2009 Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
Abstract The architectural design process is based on a creative phase where creativity is highly valued. Although the literature on creativity is rich in ways to stimulate the decision-making process, these tools are rarely formally present in the building design process. To further the discussion on creativity and design education this paper presents a study on methods that may enhance the creative process and their application in architecture courses around the world. The results of this inquiry indicate that design instructors apply methods that may stimulate creativity mostly informally, with some positive results. To explore more fully the richness of the literature on the enhancement of creativity, structured applications of methods are recommended in controlled experiments to analyze results. Keywords Creativity Á Creative design Á Design education Á Problem solving Á Methods that may stimulate creativity Á Architectural design
Introduction In recent decades universities and architecture schools in particular, have made important efforts to improve design education. The goals in new ways of teaching design are mainly concerned with enriching the pure artistic vision of architecture, through the insertion of scientific knowledge and social responsibility. Environmental comfort and the question of sustainability have increased the need for exact science and technical education. Social sciences need to instill sensitivities towards the relation of human behavior and elements of the built environment. Finally, results of studies on creativity should enrich the design process. In this paper, to further the discussion on design education a study
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