Creative Problem Solving Course work
MODULE NAME : Creative Problem Solving COURSE TITLE : MSc International Business
Total word count (excluding references and appendices) : 3475
Creativity and Entrepreneurship
What is creativity and what is Entrepreneurship? Is there any relation between creativity and Entrepreneurship? If so, what is the relation and what role does creativity play in entrepreneurship? The purpose of this essay is to articulate the relationship between Creativity and Entrepreneurship, to discuss the implications of creativity on the following entrepreneurial activities – decision making, business planning and opportunity development. Creativity can be defined as the production of novel and useful ideas in any domain (Stein, 1974; Woodman, Sawyer & Griffin, 1993). Creativity and innovation cannot be separated from entrepreneurship which in turn is the process of creating, exploiting and developing an opportunity. Millard, Pretorius and Kruger (2005) mention that “creativity is clearly part and parcel of the entrepreneurial skills and is required to successfully start a venture” (p. 56). Entrepreneurs and their ventures are considered to be “important agents of innovation” (Bosma & Harding, 2007, p. 16), not simply in terms of the products and services they provide, but also in terms of the technologies and processes that they utilise (Bosma & Harding; Watson et al., 1998). Entrepreneurs can be called as essence of creativity and innovation because of their nature. They nurture creativity and innovation. It can be argued that creativity is an important ingredient in the recipe for the new product or service any entrepreneur would provide and it is not only essential creating or developing the new product but also in every level of every type of the organization. Creativity is seen as going beyond new products, new services and new and improved processes (Cook, 1998; Heye, 2006).
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