Thomas Edison once said that “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time” (Rhodes, 1961). This statement can be interpreted as a spoken admittance of perseverance being an important factor in his successful innovations. Thomas Edison changed the world, technologically speaking – his brilliant inventions did. He was also world class innovator whose stellar, positive attitude set example for many individuals to come. Growing up in a lower-middle class status didn’t distract Edison from his goals in the slightest – the innovator dreamed of becoming a successful inventor. He dreamed of having his own laboratory, “a place where corporate politics wouldn’t intervene with his futuristic visions” (Miller-Caldicott, 2011).
While Edison is generally known for his inventions, his strides towards unlocking the key methods and characteristics of innovation and understanding certain thought processes are less mentioned, yet just as exciting. It didn’t take long for Edison to unlock the key to staying successful and persevering in his goals – a simple method of staying positive and
References: Ford. 2013. Miller-Caldicott, S., 2012. Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire: Edison’s Approach to Goals. Innovation Excellence. Rhodes, M. 1961. “An Analysis of Creativity.” Phi Delta Kappan 42(7): 305-310. JSTOR. Schaper, M., T. Volery, P. Weber, and K. Lewis. 2011. Entrepreneurship and Small Business 3rd Asia Pacific edition. Milton: Wiley.