The concept of credit card totally changes the payment method we already known and brings lots of convenience and efficiency in transactions. The concept is that the consumers can borrow the money for payment and pay it back to card company later (Mary, n.d.). Besides, it can use in different stores instead of one only. It is a brilliant idea and it became popular after it invented, especially for the merchants. It is because at that time, merchants might need to travel around for their business and they needed to bring a lot of money. It is danger for them to bring such large amount of cash as they might easily lose it or even be robbed. With the help of using credit card, merchants need not to worry about losing their money because only the card holders can use the credit cards. Moreover, using credit card is much more convenient for merchants as they just need to bring a card instead of a pile of cash. Because of the convenience of using credit card, people are likely to use credit cards instead of cash.
The concept of using a card for purchases is actually existed before the invention of credit card (Jennifer, n.d.). It seems that a cashless payment method was already introduced at that time. People
References: Foster Kevin, Erik Meijer, Scott Schuh, & Michael A. Zabek (2010), The 2008 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Jennifer Rosenberg. (n.d.). The First Credit Card. Retrieved from Mary Bellis. (n.d.). Who Invented Credit Cards?. Retrieved from