The project titled “CREDIT CARD FRAUD DETECTION” detects the fraudulent card during transactions and alerts the customer regarding the fraud. This project also aims in minimizing the number of false alerts. The concept of genetic algorithm is a novel one in this application domain.
The algorithm begins with multi-population of randomly generated chromosomes. These chromosomes undergo the operations of selection, crossover and mutation. Crossover combines the information from two parent chromosomes to produce new individuals, exploiting the best of the current generation, while mutation or randomly changing some of the parameters allows exploration into other regions of the solution space. Natural selection via a problem specific cost function assures that only the best fit chromosomes remain in the population to mate and produce the next generation. Upon iteration, the genetic algorithm converges to a global solution.
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In recent years, the prevailing data mining concerns people with credit card fraud detection model based on data mining. Since our problem is approached as a classification problem, classical data mining algorithms are not directly applicable. So an alternative approach is made by using general purpose meta heuristic approaches like genetic algorithms.
This project is to propose a credit card fraud detection system using genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithms are evolutionary algorithms which aim at obtaining better solutions as time progresses. When a card is copied or stolen or lost and captured by fraudsters it is usually used until its available limit is depleted. Thus, rather than the number of correctly classified transactions, a solution which minimizes the total available limit on cards subject to fraud is more prominent. It aims in minimizing the false alerts using genetic algorithm where a set of interval valued parameters are optimized.