Psychological Testing
I. Brief History of Psychological Testing * 2200 B.C. Chinese begin civil service examinations. * A.D.1862 Wilhelm Wundt uses a calibrated pendulum to measure the “speed of thought.” * 1884 Francis Galton administers the first test battery to thousands of citizens at the International Health Exhibit. * 1890 James McKeen Cattell uses the term mental test in announcing the agenda for his Galtonian test battery. * 1901 Clark Wissler discovers that Cattellian “brass instruments” tests have no correlation with college grades. * 1905 Binet and Simon invent the first modern intelligence test. * 1914 Stern introduces the IQ, or intelligence quotient: the mental age divided by chronological age. * 1916 Lewis Terman revises the Binet-Simon scales, publishes the Stanford-Binet. Revisions appear in 1937, 1960, and 1986. * 1917 Robert Yerkes spearheads the development of the Army Alpha and Beta examinations used for testing WWI recruits. * 1917 Robert Woodworth develops the Personal Data Sheet, the first personality test. * 1920 Rorschach Inkblot test published. * 1921 Psychological Corporation—the first major test publisher—founded by Cattell, Thorndike, and Woodworth. * 1927 First edition of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank published. * 1939 Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale published. Revisions published in 1955, 1981, and 1997. * 1942 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory published. * 1949 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children published. Revisions published in 1974, 1991.
II. Reflection The history of psychological testing is a very fascinating story. By knowing the roots of psychological testing, I am able to picture the ample relevance of every historical event to the present-day practices. It is clear to me that psychological tests are already