One of the first of Norman's project was to design a private house of 350 square meters for Mr and Mrs Marcus Brumwell in Cornwall, England. The site that the building was to be founded on was challenging, as it was a very steeply sloping site. This building is said to be "designed to exploit classic Cornish views of wooden valleys, a creek with bobbing boats and, to the south, the broad sweep of the Fal estuary"(Dobney, 1997, p.20). The building is called the Creek Vean House and the design and completion lasted from 1964 to 1966. Concept sketch by Norman Foster
Sectional Perspective showing the sloped site.
The materials that have been used to build this house were mainly concrete blocks, in-situ concrete floors, blockwork, glass, …show more content…
The building's size is 21,000 square meters, and it was designed in 1970 and completed in 1975 in Ipswich, England. This in-situ reinforced concrete structure has pile foundations with waffle slabs that hold the building in place. Its roof is constructed out of steel structure, and the structural glazing system is …show more content…
Even though the shape of the building looks a bit funny on the plan, in reality this building looks great, especially with the materiality choice. Glass is the dominant material, and this provides delicateness to the building. Also the lighting that was chosen for the building plays a well role as it illuminates the interior and creates a warm, as well as inviting atmosphere to the building and the surrounding areas. The way Norman placed the columns is very appealing to me. I find it very clean and smooth how he spread the columns equally around its irregular shape. He contrasted symmetry with irregularity, resulting a dynamic, creative