As a group, we challenged group bias by discussing the homeless research we had previously encountered. We had all came across viral internet videos of homeless people who were just in the business of loitering and collecting free money for drugs or other unhealthy activities. We became hesitant and unsure if we wanted to help the homeless community because of the negative stereotype. But, Chris brought up a very strong point he said “Well at the end of the day it doesn't matter because no human being deserves to be out in the cold without proper layering.We just will choose not give money instead give them resources that will make a difference in the long term”…
Census, “Arizona 's population has grown to 6,392,017 and one of every 250 Arizonans experienced homelessness in 2011.” (Homelessness in Arizona 2011 Annual Report, pg. 10) Maricopa County, where Tempe is located, is home to 58% of the state’s population (Homelessness in Arizona 2011 Annual Report, pg. 12) In addition to this high rate of homelessness, the majority of homeless individuals suffer from some sort of mental illness or substance abuse. For example, veterans account for over 20% of the homeless population, and one in every five veterans suffer from PTSD (Homelessness in Arizona 2011 Annual Report, pg. 7). What I’m trying to illustrate is that there is a large number of homeless individuals accounted for in the city of Tempe. Also, the majority of the homeless suffer from illness. As a result, they could possibly pose a threat to citizens, such as violent acts and crime. Although high, I feel as if the homeless “problem” in Tempe could easily be resolved. There is already awareness of the issue but it is going to take some…
Homeless people all around the world are starving and nobody is doing anything about it. Homelessness is defined as a person who "lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence." (Cite)They are starving because of the poverty in the world, the whole world's population as we know it, and community's pretending not to see it happening . Poverty is a big thing that affects homelessness in the U.S (cite) . The population increases every day and that makes the world more populated and creates more homeless people. The community pretends that they do not see people and just let them die right in their faces Worldwide, homelessness is caused by a breakdown in traditional family support systems, continued urbanization, the effects of structural adjustment programs, civil wars, and natural disasters. (Cite)…
(Cisneros 157). Although people with more complex mental illness need a higher level of psychiatric care, according to research, these are the people that get the least amount of psychiatric counseling” (Curie et al. 2). According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, “Better mental health services would combat not only mental illness, but homelessness as well.” Some people with mental illness get frustrated with the inability to treat it; conversely, some people with mental illness don’t realize they need treatment. In order for this to be more successful, these programs would need to “establish a trusting relationship through continued contact with the people they are trying to help” (”Mental Illness and Homelessness"). Psychiatric care is necessary to help homeless people with mental illness become independent people who can contribute to society. Without this crucial mental care, many homeless people with mental illness who could be living better and contributing to the community would be lost and…
Man gunned down in the streets of New Orleans is the typical news headline in New Orleans. Crime has increased so drastically that citizens have moved to different parishes just to feel safe. The crime rate has increase and New Orleans has been labeled the “Murder Capital of the World”. There are undoubtedly many factors contributing to crime but the focus should be those connected to the root of the problem. The systems in New Orleans have failed our kids and it’s up to the citizens to begin the process of taking back our streets. Crime in the city is a great concern but if we can help change poor education, job opportunities and poverty this community can be what every citizen imagine too live in. Giving children some hope instead of turning the other cheek and watching them go down the wrong path in life can help. Taking back the streets of New Orleans is no easy task but as citizens we need to get more involved in the conditions and work together with finding the most effective solution.…
Homeless refers to the people who do not have an adequate and permanent residence. They live and sleep in the streets or in impoverished shelters, under bridges, or on street curbs. Although homelessness, which is a construct of poverty, is an important issue in all countries, it is particularly if interest within the United States because it is wealthier that many other nations; yet, a much higher share of its population has income near or below the poverty line, resulting in millions homeless citizens. The social phenomenon has increased since the 1980s and many state officials and social aid organizations and institutions are addressing the issue head on. This policy analysis will use empirical research to reveal how poverty has a negative effect on communities and inevitably, the thriving of poor oppressed people, leaving millions homeless, when systems fail them. Also, this paper will discuss the current issues that America has with homelessness and also the history of this social woe. Additionally, you will read the social structural sources that are responsible for this social problem such as lack of employment, under education, institutional racism, which are just a few of the factors…
The war on drugs started with the need to stop the movement of drugs into the United States. President Nixon was the first president to understand the severity of the impact drugs had on society. He proclaimed the need to interfere on the number of drugs coming into the United States. With his necessity to intervene he supported the creation of the Drug Enforcement Agency in 1973. With this agency, the war against the drug trade was initiated. His efforts were reinforced by President Reagan in the 1980s when he enforced and declared the war on drugs. President Reagan influence, resulted in more individuals incarcerated for drug offenses. This began to take an effect on correctional institutions because they began to experience an increase in…
Homelessness is one of the biggest issues that people face in many counties. The United States faces many homelessness issues. Homelessness issues create many social, economical and security problems which should be dealt with very seriously by the government and the society as well to ensure the well being of all people in the society. Homeless issues differ from a city to another based on the typist of people and opportunities of each city. But let’s face it, what are the major causes of being homeless? There are many causes that could make the normal person living turned into homeless and that based on some causes such as: lack of education, work opportunities, mental, physical problems and social responsibilities.…
In the field of Human Services there are a multitude of people that need assistance. However, in each target population has their own distinct issues. Examples of these target groups or populations are people with mental illness, the homeless, and senior citizens.…
As I wrap up my blog we have seen that crime is not race specific. All races commit crime, furthermore all races participate in gang activity, it is just not reserved for Black and Latinos. All of the examples used in the previous blogs are not exclusive to certain races. What makes the difference is how society views who is a criminal and who commits crimes. Added to this, is the disproportion of how crime is handled. With the exception of heinous and violent crimes, many people who commit crimes will most likely get away with it. How the criminal justice system handles cases can affect who goes to prison and who doesn’t. Furthermore criminals that are more culpable may get away with lighter sentences, than those that are only accessories to the crime, simply because of their race, or because they can afford better attorneys.…
Everyday many Americans get kicked out onto the street with no food, shelter or water. Without proper housing or the ability to care for themselves, many times this leads to mental illness. So the question is, how many homeless people develop a mental illness and what is the federal government going to do about this issue.…
In the wake of horrific crimes like Sandy Hooks shootings, and the Aurora movie theater shooting and the countless others that have plagued the Nation America is scared and heart broken. the government and the country are frantically trying to find answer and solutions in issues like guns to prevent these unspeakable acts of violence. But even though all these men have had the weapons to achieve their acts, they have had one more characteristic that's sometimes overlooked in common, their unstable minds and serious mental illness. Mental illness with its brutal stigma and awful history seems to be overlooked in the public's eyes when looking at real problems And i believe that mental illness is important in the prevention of these crimes and also to rebuild those are riddled with the repercussions of the disease. by making treatments and mental illness research a top priority in helping those with mental illnesses and fixing the system we previously have we could be on the real road to recovery.…
Millions of Americans suffer from a mental illness throughout the years, and a majority of them are not getting an adequate treatment. Individuals who experience a mental illness are found in populations such as the homelessness and jails. Between one-fourth and one-third of the homeless population suffers from a serious mental illness, (Folsom, Hawthorne, Lindamer, Gilmer, Bailey, Golshan, Garcia, Unutzer, Hough, Jeste, 2005) and according to the treatment advocacy center (2010) at least 16 percent of inmates in jails and prisons suffer from a mental illness. During the year 1970 there were 525,000 psychiatric beds in the United States that number dropped to 212,000 in 2002 Sharfstein, Dickerson (2009). The care for the mentally…
In conclusion, many problems stem from mental health illness when brought against the criminal justice system. Mental health illness can contribute to jail and prison overcrowding, high crime rates, drug addiction, and many other problems. After the wide deinstitutionalization of state hospitals, jails and prisons have seen an increase in the number and percentage of individuals with mental health and substance use. Furthermore,…
They're in the streets and on the highways asking for money because they're homeless due to numerous circumstances. The money that they do get from strangers they may put to better use like buying clothes or food or maybe the bus fare to go home. Some don’t they use it to buy drugs and alcohol leading them back to their original dead end path. Which is why people should feel obligated to be compassionate toward those less fortunate because they're homeless for numerous amount of circumstances. Helping those less fortunate can help us progress as a society, it could happen to you without even wanting it to happen.…