Theories of Punishment
Question - ‘What form of punishment should lawmakers seek to develop in Australia?”
Good morning class, today I will be talking to you about the 3 main forms of punishment and the form of punishment that lawmakers should seek to develop in Australia. The three justifications for punishment currently used in our society today are retribution, deterrence and rehabilitation. Our society today uses these three forms of punishment attempting to lower crime rates
Origins and overview of the three forms of punishment
Retribution is the first of the three forms of punishment that I will be discussing. The theory of retribution is that the guilty should be punished for the harm they have caused within society. Retribution is defined as the most ideal form of revenge to make the offender suffer as much as he or she has caused the victim. This type of punishment is the oldest of the three. It originated from the bible from Exodus 21:23 "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand" Nowadays the consequences are not nearly as brutal as they would be have been given in the middle ages and even still given in some parts of the world today but real consequences are still given for the different criminal acts committed by offenders here in Australia.
I will now be speaking to you about the second of the three punishments ‘deterrence’. The main aim of deterrence is to teach the offender not to repeat the crime and to deter others from committing and following the offenders example. This theory was used as a military strategy during the ‘cold war’ relating to the uses of nuclear weapons.
Rehabilitation is more there to restore the patient to the highest level of health and to give encouragement so the act they committed will not be repeated in the future. The first approach to use rehabilitation in criminals happened in the
Bibliography: "EDITORIAL; The Myth of Deterrence." The New York Times. The New York Times, 28 Apr. 2012. Web. 8 May 2012. <>.