Brandy Bledsoe
Professor Jamie Smith
CRJ 100- Introduction to Criminal Justice
June 15, 2015
In the course of this semester in Jurisville I have worked with some of the most experienced of the criminal justice world. Robert Donovan, a probation officer, who asked me to help with a project he was working on, Brennan Brooke, a senior criminologist, who asked for my opinion on a subject that was at hand with the correctional facilities, Orlando Boyce, a sergeant at Deephall prison, who needed an opinion on programs he was investigating. All of these professionals need my help to ensure that everything is running smoothly at these places. I believe that everything that I have learned this semester working with them will …show more content…
Kris Young is 25 years old and is being charged with theft, he walked out of a well-known store with a $600 leather jacket that he did not pay for. He was unable to make bail and spent 60 days in custody, then later sentenced to one year in prison which was suspended to one year of probation. Young has been in trouble before and has said that he doesn’t want to continue to get himself in trouble he wants to make something of himself. The three attributes for the intensive supervised probation that I believe that a defendant should have are first, a non-violent conviction in which case Kris has, theft would be considered a non-violent conviction, Second sentenced to a prison term in which case even though his sentence was suspended he was still sentenced. Third this person would need to have a support system and future goals; Kris is recently married and wants to start his own business, coming to a conclusion that Mr. Donovan and I share the same thoughts that Kris Young is the perfect candidate for this type of …show more content…
He approached me with this question and wanted my opinion. In my opinion if the inmates are rehabilitated while they are in prison when they are released, we will have a person looking to better themselves not go looking for trouble that will land them right back where they started. The amenities that I believe would be most valuable to deephall prison would be setting up a counseling center, offer a therapist to the inmates that need one, have religious leaders come and visit on a regular basis, and hire a doctor so that the inmates that are infected with diseases can be treated and the prison will not have people carrying these diseases out into the outside world when they do get released. One last thing they could offer is a re-entry program to help inmates prepare themselves to be released and improve the skills they will need to survive in the outside