Joy Genthner
July 19, 2010
Ana Moore
A brief history of the Uniform Crime Report
UCR - The Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is a nationwide cooperative effort of over 16,000 cities, county and state law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on crime brought to their attention. The monthly contributions of Maine 's 150 law enforcement agencies represent the initial step in establishing an efficient statewide criminal justice information system (CJIS). Ideally, the UCR data will eventually merge with that of the other major components of the criminal justice system (i.e., prosecutors, courts, corrections) to form an integrated system for the exchange of vital management information. The availability of such data will allow for the provision of complete and timely criminal histories of offenders and their progress through the criminal justice system. Over the years the UCR data has become one of Maine 's and America 's leading social indicators. Maine 's citizens look to UCR as the primary information source on the nature and extent of crime, while criminologists, sociologists, legislators, state and local planners, the media and academicians use the statistics for wide and varied research and planning purposes.
Portland, Maine
Domestic Violence, or “Crimes of violence” as many states refer to it involve the element of personal confrontation between the perpetrator and victim and entail the use or threat of violence. During the year 2008, Domestic Violence showed a decrease from the previous year. There were 1,549 reported offences reported during 2008, compared with the 1,556 for 2007. This decrease of 7 crimes reported represents a decrease of 0.4%. The 2008 crime rate for domestic violence is 1.18 offenses per 1,000 populations. Domestic violence represents 4.6% of all reported index crimes. Police cleared 870 domestic violence crimes for a 56.2 clearance rate.
Denver, Colorado In 2008, Denver Colorado reported 33 people died in 24 fatal incidents related to domestic violence. These incidents included: * 17 intimate partners murdered (16 female victims were killed by a male partner, and 1 male victim was killed by a female partner). * 7 children murdered * 1 friend, 1 relative, and 1 dating partner of a victim murdered * 4 perpetrator suicides * 2 perpetrators killed by law enforcement
The victims ranged in age from 21 months old to 64 years old, whereas the offenders ranged in age from 18 to 68. The most frequent cause of death was use of a firearm, followed by stabbing.
Portland Maine has a much larger reported incident list. With the research I did, I found that Maine had a larger problem with basic violence. Hitting, beating, killing, and throwing a victim than it did with weapons. The people of Maine come from simple families with simple backgrounds. There is much more poverty in this state that relies mostly on fishing and tourism. The problem is that the fishing industry is fading away and people are panicking and drinking and doing more drugs than ever before, therefore, Domestic Violence plays a large part in stress reduction. It seems that between the two states, a planned kill is more prevalent is Colorado. 2. WHAT WERE THE RATES OF THE CRIME FOR EACH AREA?
As I stated before, Domestic Violence is also considered Aggravated Assault in many states. Under this category it ranked 1st above robbery and murder in both states (cities). 3. DID THE RATES CHANGE OVER TIME IN EITHER AREA?
From my research it shows that both cities (states) had a very different fluctuating year. During certain months this particular crime rose and some months it dropped. In Maine the winter months are the hardest. People cannot find work, fishermen cannot fish, and money is tight. In Colorado, it seemed that it was a bit more constant, which shows that they are not as seasonal as Maine. 4. WHAT FACTORS MIGHT EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCES IN THE RATES?
Money, financial stability, family, friends, the lack there of. In the research with both of these states, it seems that they really are in the same boat with this particular crime. Some states are more aggressive than others. Some do not know how to deal with it. This crime has been going on since the beginning of time. It definitely seemed that the more financially stable city had less of the crime; however, it has been proven that money does not eliminate this crime. It happens whether you have money or not. It is all about control.
Both of these states gives their facts to the NATIONAL COALITION AGAINST DOMETIC VIOLENCE.
The economic impact on our country exceeds $5.8 billion each year. $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and mental health services.
NCADV Public Policy Office Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Colorado Department of Human Services, Domestic Abuse assistance Program, 2007 Annual Report
FBI Uniform Crime Report data
References: NCADV Public Policy Office Maine Department of Health and Human Services Colorado Department of Human Services, Domestic Abuse assistance Program, 2007 Annual Report FBI Uniform Crime Report data
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