CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Background To Study:
This system is going to use by the police service department of Ghana. Our intension of developing this system is that, we want to have the exact record of all the people who are sent to police this system is going to help all Ghanaians, to know how our police service keep records. The system is also going to help the people in the society to know what happens to culprit sent to police station. The current trend of the system in operation now is paper based or a file system, which is not helping our record keeping system. The current way which the police operate is paper based and it has so many complications. Papers are being manipulated in so many ways to suite the interest of others, and i think is not helping our police service.
Information technology has a way of keeping information, which is more safe and secured than what is in operation now. Database is one of them which have been very helpful in so many institutions and we there are other record keeping systems too which are very efficient in it field of work.
Information system is more secured and reliable than paper based system, so are in the view that, if our police service adopt this modern way of keeping information is going to help our society to have accurate information about criminals and law breakers in the society.
Information system record keeping, reduce redundancy, speed up work rate also prevent intruders or unauthorized users from getting access to our confidential information.
1.2 Problem Statement:
The police service have being running on manual file system whereby in so many cases, people are let go free even when they are at fault. We want a system which is going to help our police service to