key role in everything violent and corrupt”. Where are the statistics that prove this idea? How can you connect “ terrorism and mass shootings” to a minor gunshot in the city? He does this again “ violence is proactive, betrays “sense of insignificance, of helplessness, emotional devaluation….” The fact is not everyone is a psychologist, and you can’t force someone to view that way. Just like fixing violence in our city based of one person's view is not going to work because all views must be considered based off current situations. Schneider maybe well versed in the psychological view of the world, but he does tend to second guess himself.
To emphasize, towards the middle of the article he “ Economic explanations take us only so far- need to provide affordable long term in depth mental health services”. This is pretty confusing because I’m not sure if he agrees with economic solutions or if he doesn’t. However, I do know economic procedures must be considered for any major violent acts, but there hasn’t been such acts in our city.He does this again, but looking at politics “ Death anxiety plays a key role in political ideologies -transformation not likely to occur through political coercion-address at its root-provide facilitators to optimize people in power”. I’m again a little lost because he accuses politics at first, but ends with a solution that's irrelevant. Because in my opinion, I don’t see how this will change violent acts of the city because not all acts in our city is through a political